Preparing for the AI and Robotic Revolution Book Review

There is definitely a revolution taking place and we are living in the middle of it.  You may now interact with artificial intelligence (AI) every day, whether through digital assistants such as Siri, smart devices at home and more.  Also its more than likely the car you are driving or riding in was partially assembled by robots or you might even have a robot zooming around cleaning your floors.  There is no doubt that we are now living in an era where robots and artificial intelligence are widely used.

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm, a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law, and a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.  – Isaac Asimov

The above concept of the Three Laws of Robotics created by the famed author Issac Asimov as he looked head to the possible power and impact of robotics on our society.  The capabilities and usage of AI and robotics is continuing to accelerate rapidly and becoming more and more common place.  Soon the pizza we order from our local pizza chain may well be delivered on a AI powered mobile robot.

AI is likely to be either the best or worst thing to happen to humanity. – Stephen Hawking, Theoretical Physicist (source)

Noel Jerke and Grayson Jerke, the authors of Preparing for the AI and Robotic Revolution, provide their readers a clear explanation of the technology driving this revolution. Their book will take you from the history of these technologies to the potential impact and how to prepare.  The book covers the following topics:

Chapter 1 – Why Should I Care? – Covers the main concerns related to robotics and AI i.e. the lost jobs compared to the potential benefits of quality of life.

Chapter 2 – How Did We Get Here? – Discussion of the history of AI and robotics.  It provides insightful timeline images that explores how human kinds desire for technology to think and automate has been happening for thousands of  years.

Chapter 3 – What is a Robot? – Explores the many different type of robots and their uses.

Chapter 4 – What is AI? – Digs deep into the concept of Artificial Intelligence and its important role in robotics and industry.

Chapter 5 – Real-World Uses of AI and Robots – The Bad – Just like Stephen Hawking’s warning above – this technology has the possibility to have a very negative impact on society and humanity in general.  This chapter focuses on the negative side of AI and Robotics.

Chapter 6 – Real World Uses of AI and Robots – The Good – Focuses on the many benefits of AI and Robotics that we have already seen happen and may come in the future.

Chapter 7 – The Current Size of the Industry – Discussion of how big the technology industry is today and where its headed in the future.

Chapter 8 – What Does the Near Future Look Like? – Focus on where AI and robotics are headed over the next several decades and its possible impact.

Chapter 9 – How Will the Revolution Affect Jobs? – Explores how these technologies will impact jobs and careers.  Its an important question that the author’s dig deep into.

Chapter 10 – How Do You Prepare for the Revolution? – Finally the book wraps up with a discussion of how to prepare for the coming changes these technologies are going to bring to nearly all facets of our lives.

Noel Jerke (Linked In, Amazon) has 30 years of experience in the technology industry and has worked with a wide range of clients including Sharp Electronics, Texas Instruments, Dell and many others.  He has also authored numerous books, articles and presented at various conferences.  Grayson is currently a college student with an academic focus on biology, sports, and technology.  Together they bring a unique perspective on AI and robotics and their possible impacts.

The title Preparing for the AI and Robotic Revolution is appropriate for its content. It promises essentially what the book delivers. The authors do not assume its readers  possess prior knowledge of AI and Robotics.  The audience for the book includes:

  • Parents
  • Students
  • Educators
  • Employers

It provides history, lots of great examples of the use of technology, potential impact on jobs and more.  The books format is effective because it offers handy hyperlinks to allow its readers to access further information to find out more.

Instead of resisting the status quo and ignoring the changes that are happening, this book encourages you to educate yourself to prepare.  The material is presented in a structured and orderly fashion. It starts out with the history of how we got to where we are at today.  It then goes into exactly what is AI and robotics and provides plenty of examples and discusses the good and bad impact of these technologies.  The presentation of these two perspectives is done through in-depth examples and provide points to consider. There is also significant discussion about the possible impact on jobs.

The book discusses how AIs and Robotics are utilized in different aspects of industry such as manufacturing, commercial, medical, agricultural, and military. The authors discuss these various industries and how these technologies are impacting them today and may impact them in the future.  It goes in depth into actual technologies in use today developed by the likes of Google, IBM and others.  It also looks at technologies in development and what we may see in the near future.

Preparing for the revolution is scary, but this book gives its readers ample time to think and reflect on how to grasp, embrace, or refuse the fourth industrial revolution humans gradually face. Indeed, those who cracked this book’s pages are also curious about preparing and perhaps surviving the upcoming revolution. The authors cited numerous ways on how AI would usher humans in this technological evolution.

With all significant changes, fear of the unknown tends to crop up. With this change especially, people fear for their job security and their place in the labor pool. They fear that they will not be able to provide for their families and that their livelihood will be stolen. These reactions are natural and reasonable. (Book Excerpt)

The coming revolution is inevitable and already happening.  Preparing for the AI and Robotic Revolution is successful in making the reader in helping the reader understand the technology and how it may impact all of us.  Change is scary, and the fear of unemployment, lost security, and even personal health is something we all have to consider.  It’s important to stay educated, aware, and prepared for the revolution.